Bernie Hayen

Bernie Hayen

September sales tax numbers are up for Manhattan, with about $893,165 collected compared to nearly $832,165 last year at the same time. That shows a positive impact on the Manhattan budget of close to $78,643.
Manhattan Finance Director Bernie Hayen says not only have the 2015 reports been good, they also have been consistently reported on the 24th of every month this year. That means these reports now generally reflect the last three weeks of August and the first week of September according to the date ‘processed’ for individual retailers.

Hayen also looked at the North American Industry Classification system AICS summaries, which includes areas such as utilities, construction manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, and accomodations and food services. He compared the numbers this time with the same report in 2014 and 2010. While he says the comparisons aren’t too surprising – ‘retail trade’ and ‘accommodation and food services’ have been consistently growing across the community.

