Why, yes, we DID hit the elusive SEXTUPLE alliteration with that headline.

We regret nothing.

What is regretful, however, is that we didn’t stock up on candy canes this holiday season, as there is a Candy Cane Crisis (TM Fox Business).

The usual suspect is being blamed (Thanks, COVID), but also a weakness in peppermint crops, as well.

Apparently, production of peppermint in the United States has dropped by a quarter over the last 10 years. There’s a more, uglier side to this story, as well, since it’s creating a real estate shortage in the gingerbread house market.

“We can’t really do a gingerbread house without a candy cane tree, a candy cane door, or candy cane anything,” Mitchell Cohen, ower of Economy Candy in New York,  told the New York Post.

Truly, the worst of times are upon us.

