Looking for a hookup on Halloween? Go funny with your costume!
The website Dating.com has a survey just in time for next week that says nearly 70% of respondents find funny costumes the most attractive. Political costumes were at the bottom, as 68% of men and 52% of women did not like them.
“Halloween is an important holiday for singles looking to meet new people in a more casual setting,” says Maria Sullivan, Vice President and Dating Expert of Dating.com. “This year is no different, other than the virtual and socially-distanced celebration formats required to safely partake in its festivities. It’s important to us to pinpoint what works and what doesn’t to make the search for love as effective as possible, right down the details of common costume pitfalls.”
Other stats from the survey: cute costumes ranked a distant second (18%), followed by scary (13%). Just about half said that Halloween was their favorite holiday for meeting new people.
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