Under normal circumstances, New Year’s resolutions most likely don’t make it to St. Patrick’s Day, must less the whole year. After the dumpster fire that was 2020 and the way 2021 has started? Forget about it.

Because of the uncertainty, however, people are making what are called “micro-goals” this year. A new survey from FreshlyFit showed that 67 percent of people are doing their resolutions this way.

The idea is to make less ambitious goals that are a little easier to complete than, say, free climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

“When it comes to initiating any new routine, starting small can make a big impact,” Dr. Brooke Scheller, Freshly’s Director of Nutrition, DCN, CNS, said. “That’s especially true when it comes to eating better. Attempting to overhaul your diet or become a meal prep master overnight — as is too often the case with New Year’s resolutions —  is an uphill battle, so realistic resolutions or ‘micro-goals’ could be a great tool to reorient your mindset towards more sustainable healthy habits in 2021.”

Here are the 10 most common.

  1. Eat less takeout or fast food
  2. Maintain my weight
  3. Eat more nutritious food for lunch
  4. Drink more water
  5. Take vitamins
  6. Get outside more
  7. Meditate for a few minutes every day
  8. Prep some meals in advance
  9. Swap healthier ingredients into foods
  10. Walk or bike places instead of driving

