Happy Pet Appreciation Week! Or, for those of us dog lovers, “Wednesday.”

A poll conducted by Stella & Chewy’s  shows that 94 percent of pet owners try to make their pets feel loved on a regular basis. Of which I see no problem. A further two-thirds admit to treating their pets better than even themselves. Again, I don’t see the problem.

“The results of this survey further emphasize what we already know to be true: our pets are our family,” Marc Hill, Stella & Chewy’s CEO, said. “The bond we share with them is strong, and our pets provide us with so much joy and emotional support on a daily basis. It is imperative that we reciprocate that love by showing them how much they mean to us, too.”

Here are some ways we show our pets the love:

  1. Playing with them
  2. Telling them “good boy” or “good girl”
  3. Feeding them the food they like, no matter the cost
  4. Making sure their food is also healthy
  5. Always having their favorite treats on hand
  6. Saying “I love you”
  7. Making sure they have a nice bed or sleeping space
  8. Buying new toys
  9. Letting them sleep in bed with us
  10. Taking them to the vet for regular checkups

